Pledge Soft credit reminder

I would be very helpful to fix the soft credited pledge pop up reminder window. Now it only appear when you try to enter a gift under the person originally had the pledge entered under but not when it is the constituent with a soft credited pledge in the account. It is creating data entry error and if not fixed in time, then pledge reminder are been send to constituent that have paid thru spouse account and or spouse company payroll deduction for example.

  • Guest
  • Jan 12 2016
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    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 01:21

      You can create a business rule that tells you the person you entered is soft credited for a pledge with a balance. Don't know what needs to be fixed. Create a query of the soft credit gifts and set up a business rule using the query. If query is correct this business rule is quite helpful.

      If you then apply payment being made by spouse or company to the original pledge, you won't get pledge reminders.