Fixing the bug in Create EFT Transmission Files which sends it into an endless loop churning up a whole CPU core for hours

Fixing the bug in Create EFT Transmission Files which sends it into an endless loop churning up a whole CPU core for hours. This has been happening to us on a substantial proportion of large batches. It may be to do with a network problem (although no-one can give us any advice as to what sort of problem), but the program should recognise when it has hit an error and give an error message. Alternatively, it should be made more robust so that a probably minor outage doesn't send it into an endless loop.

It seems crazy to me but BB suggested that this bug report should be added to the idea bank. Whatever happened to just reporting a fault in the software?

(Yes, we are continuing to try to find a network problem, but the software should be fixed too.)

  • Guest
  • Nov 8 2013
  • Attach files