Giving vs. solicited vs. soft credited for donors/board members

Could a report be created that shows a donor's giving, gifts they solicited, as well as gifts they were soft credited, and total that amount. It's a question I get asked a lot for Board members and fullfilling their "give-gets."

  • Guest
  • Oct 24 2013
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  • Guest commented
    07 Jan 18:28

    I totally agree. Has there been any movement on a give/get report?

  • Liz DeCecco commented
    August 19, 2021 20:04

    This would definitely be helpful on a Board member level.

    It would also help if there was a field in the gift screen where you can name a contact responsible for the gift (someone solicited their friend, and the friend asked the company for a gift, so a field for marking down the friend as the contact). As a result, the report would include all the gifts that someone gave, solicited, was soft credited, or acted as the contact.

  • Susan Fioribello commented
    September 18, 2018 18:48

    Agreed. Since more organizations have a Give or Get requirement for board members I am surprised this does not already exist.