Make Apply to Pledge selection stick in a recurring batch

I use a recurring batch as a template to enter payroll gifts. There are over 2200 gifts that get entered twice a month. Quite a few of them have multiple pledges, and the payroll deductions are supposed to be applied just to specific pledges. One pledge on some records is an annual gift that only gets paid toward the end of the year. The problem is, when I use "apply to pledge" to specify which pledge to apply the gifts to RE will only apply to the pledge the first time I commit the batch. The pledge I specified to be applied to has to be re-selected every time I use that recurring batch as a starting point. There are over 230 pledges affected, so it's not feasible to use the "automatically apply gifts to pledges..." check boxes when I commit the batch, because that sometimes applies the gifts against the annual gift. I have to manually adjust the gift records to adjust the misapplied gift from the annual gift to the correct one.

Can you please fix the "apply to pledge" selection in a recurring batch so it will "stick" and not have to be done every time you use the batch?

  • Guest
  • Apr 20 2015
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