After a recent event with near 400 registrants, the iPad app failed to be useful in two way's, but it's probably and easy fix. We can't be scrolling through a list of hundreds of registrants, and the typing in of names seems like it's not optimized so it's not a better alternative. Having the app be able to scan a barcoded lookup that came to them in their eMail confirmation, almost like a boarding pass at the airport, would be fantastic! Constituent ID as a bar code perhaps?
The second problem we had was hundreds of people bought books and picked them up after the lecture. That was 2 specific ticket types in our list of 4 prices. The ushers at the event wanted to use the app on the iPad to filter the list into just the book buyers to make it easy to distribute those items efficiently. Here again, scanning a barcode would have been useful and may have solved both problems.