You can change the color / style of a gift that is linked to an event, which might be useful while this is evaluated.
For anyone who doesn't know, right click anywhere in the white space of your gift screen and select "Legend". Scroll down to the bottom and you'll see "Linked to Event". If you have other Legend options set, you might need to move this option up in the screen on the left. You can also make it bold, italics, or give it a suffix.
You can change the color / style of a gift that is linked to an event, which might be useful while this is evaluated.
For anyone who doesn't know, right click anywhere in the white space of your gift screen and select "Legend". Scroll down to the bottom and you'll see "Linked to Event". If you have other Legend options set, you might need to move this option up in the screen on the left. You can also make it bold, italics, or give it a suffix.