solicitor details page poorly designed needs better filtering and larger window

When a solicitor goes to their own constituent record and clicks on the details button to see all of their assignments it is a horrible interface. Please change it to only show active assignments by default and give me the ability to remove that filter.

Currently that is not even something you can filter on. You can not filter on solicitor type or filter to only show those with the "to" field blank.

Also even with this filtering the window only shows about 20 people - most MGOs have at least a hundred if not more - larger window is needed!!!

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  • Jul 27 2012
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    • Julie Hiland commented
      March 17, 2016 23:29

      I want the ability to expand/collapse.
      I want to filter by active/inactive assignments, aka, if there is a Date To, I don't want to see it.
      I want a larger window.