Identifying Why One Cant Delete Record

When one is trying to clean up one's database, deleting certain Appeal, Fund or Campaign records may be helpful. Currently, if that "certain record" is found ANYWHERE in the system, it will not allow you to do it -- understandably. My question is why doesnt RE identify at least which types of records have that "certain record" in it, so one can quickly query for it & change it accordinigly in those found records. (Since it tells you that the "certain record" exists somewhere in the system, there isnt any new technology needed -- Blackbaud just needs to pop it up on your screen, or whatever, instead of keeping it a secret.)

  • Guest
  • May 20 2013
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 00:57

    looks like my email address was inputed incorrectly --> is the correct one....