Add Transaction Code (from Appeal) to Queries and Export

I would like to be able to use the transaction code of an appeal (with the t-code description not the ID) in queries and exports. This could reside under the gift GL distribution for gift related queries/exports and then also for Appeal query/exports it could reside under the expenses group, as that is the tab that it resides on.

Currently, we have no way of seeing the table of t-codes unless you are in FE. If we have really long t-codes we can't read the entire code. There is no way to output in any fashion (query, reports) the t-code description, you can output the t-code ID in exports but that is basically useless. There is no way to manage which t-code is related to which appeal with out going through each and every appeal.

  • Guest
  • Jul 18 2014
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