Would also like to be able to add Fund Attributes to the Gifts tab. You can't tell what the Fund goes to the way it currently shows it, so you don't know what area they've actually donated to!
This was suggested to me by a coworker just on Monday (10/03/16). She advises that being able to see both pieces of information would reduce the need to click back and forth to confirm. Many organizations utilize multiple funds, and this could provide an efficiency by having both the fund id and the description on the gift tab.
This would be extremely helpful for some things you need the Fund ID and other things you'll need the Fund Description. It's a pain having to look up one or the other or to also go back & forth switching the fund view.
For what we do, we need both the constituent number AND the fund number. It is a hassle to have to go to the constituent to get their number, then gifts to see who the gift is for, then over into funds and type in the name and find the fund number. We have to do this hundreds of times per day and it is a huge time waster. We also need to see the name of the fund, so just changing from a description column to a fund id column does not help. Thank you for considering adding both columns at the same time.
Would also like to be able to add Fund Attributes to the Gifts tab. You can't tell what the Fund goes to the way it currently shows it, so you don't know what area they've actually donated to!
This was suggested to me by a coworker just on Monday (10/03/16). She advises that being able to see both pieces of information would reduce the need to click back and forth to confirm. Many organizations utilize multiple funds, and this could provide an efficiency by having both the fund id and the description on the gift tab.
This would be extremely helpful for some things you need the Fund ID and other things you'll need the Fund Description. It's a pain having to look up one or the other or to also go back & forth switching the fund view.
For what we do, we need both the constituent number AND the fund number. It is a hassle to have to go to the constituent to get their number, then gifts to see who the gift is for, then over into funds and type in the name and find the fund number. We have to do this hundreds of times per day and it is a huge time waster. We also need to see the name of the fund, so just changing from a description column to a fund id column does not help. Thank you for considering adding both columns at the same time.