In Open Constituent, I can enter "1234567890" in the phone field, and find a record with any variation of that number - "1234567890", "123-456-7890", or "(123) 456-7890". In query, the phone number search has to match the exact phone number entered in the constituent record. Thus, 1234567890 will not find "123-456-7890" or "(123) 456-7890". This was verified with Blackbaud support.
Query search should function the same way as the constituent search, especially when there are international number, extensions, etc. This might be due to the fact that phone and email search are split in Open Constituent, while they are not split in query.
I have contacted BlackBaud about this very issue today. James Wise suggested I add it to this ideas forum but alas it has already been suggested!
I am also stumped as to why Open Constituent phone search retrieves records regardless of formatting when query does not. Hopefully something can be progressed on this issue in the near future.