I believe we could use the Appeal Notes field to create very specialized letters. We could include a special block of text in any appeal file and that block of text could be used in the acknowledgement merge file to make our letters "custom" letters will little effort.
Not exactly sure how you are set up, but have you tried setting up conditional merges? You can do the conditions in RE, but then you can also set up some conditional fields in your Word document, based on an appeal ID or something. I used that in a former life, and it worked well but can get a little out of control, depending on the situation.
I'm using the Acknowledgement conditional merges for the thank you letters to take advantage of some of the specifics functionality in these files. There is no option to include appeal notes. I wish there were. Thanks for your comments.
Include Appeal ID, Appeal Description and appeal attributes in the Donation Acknowledgement mail merge also. Also Fund ID, Fund Description, Campaign ID, Campaign Description.