Link the guests of a registrant to the relationships tab

Currently you can only link Guest participant records to a constituent record, or not link them at all. You should have the option to link them to the registrant's relationship records, so you don't have to convert a relationship to a constituent just to connect to an event. This would be perfect for spouses, children, family members, etc.

  • Randall McLeod
  • Apr 9 2013
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    • Guest commented
      September 01, 2016 23:19

      This functionality is already part of BBNC event registration form - and should have been part of RE event registration all along!

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:16

      I would love to see some BB response on this.

      Another problem with this is that you don't get an accurate history of what events a spouse has attended.

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:16

      Yes, at least provide the ability to link a guest participant record to the spouse record.

    • Randall McLeod commented
      March 17, 2016 23:16

      Especially since this functionality is available in the Membership module, where you can link a relationship as part of a membership. It just creates a bunch of constituent records that you won't solicit, won't engage with, but exist to get accurate event numbers and show how the guests are connected to the registrant.

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:16

      YES. Agreed, at least allow linking to the spouse record somehow. I hate having to link to the Bio1 person, mark that person as "Do Not Register", and adding the spouse as an additional guest marked as "Registered". I do this JUST to link to the constituent record somehow. It's annoying. Especially when, in doing so, the "No. Guests" field makes it look like the registrant has TWO guests, instead of the one (the spouse).

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:16

      This is sort of possible in that you can allow constituents to pick up the individual relationships but there is no way of limiting which individual relationships the user can pick from which menas that this function is pretty much useless.