Import participants using Constituent ID

We are on 7.94, and I cannot import a list of constituents as event participants by using the Constituent ID - only the Impor ID can be used. I'm sure many organizations use Constituent ID as the primary ID, so it makes no sense why we can't use it for Participant Imports.

  • Guest
  • Jul 30 2015
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  • Guest commented
    August 14, 2018 20:36

    It's 2018 and still a stupid problem to be having. I can't imagine why they haven't bothered to make this change, especially when the import module doesn't even tell you that you can't use the Constituent ID when you're on the first tab.

  • Kunal Shah commented
    July 19, 2016 22:20

    couldn't agree more! It makes no sense to use any ID other than the constituent ID. All fields have unique header imports so the system will be able to identify correct fields easily.

  • Rivki Raphaelson commented
    March 18, 2016 00:37

    3 votes from me. I would give more if I could. I know that we are not in the minority in running events outside on the RE module and then importing back in for historical record of event attendance.

    Import ID is fine when you export and turn around to re-import right away, but keeping Import ID in a dynamic growing list is more than difficult. That ImpID was never meant to be typed up by any human!